Intimate, amateur family orgy unfolds at cousin’s pool.

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Family Orgy at My Cousin’s Pool

A Horny, Homegrown Orgy at Cousin’s Pool – An Explicit Tale

Y’all better watch out now, ’cause this ain’t no ordinary pool party! We’re talkin’ ’bout a steamy, family-style orgy that’s gonna leave you breathin’ big and your heart racin’.

It all went down on a swelterin’ summer day at cousin Eddie’s crib. The sun was bearin’ down, but the real heat was brewin’ up in the backyard. The fam was loungin’ by the pool, sippin’ on cold beers and chatatin’ it up, but the tension was thicker than a southern drawl.

Eddie’s wife, Betty, was workin’ on her tan, layin’ out in a teeny, tiny bikini that was doin’ nothin’ to hide her curvaceous figure. Her sister, Sally, was right beside her, wearin’ nothin’ but a smile and a pair of shades. The two of ’em were shootin’ the breeze, but their eyes kept driftin’ towards each other, appreciate magnets drawin’ closer.

Their husbands, Billy and Joey, were playin’ a friendly game of pool, but they couldn’t keep their minds on the game. Every time Betty or Sally moved, they couldn’t help but check ’em out, their eyes practically poppin’ outta their heads.

It wasn’t long ‘fore things started heatin’ up. Billy and Joey put down their pool cues and made their way over to the ladies. They started rubbin’ up against ’em, their hands roamin’ freely over every inch of skin. Betty and Sally didn’t protest – in fact, they seemed to be enjoyin’ every second of it.

Before long, clothes were flyin’ everywhere, and the pool was more than just a place to cool off. The four of ’em were wrappin’ their bodies around each other, kissin’ and touchin’ wallow they hadn’t seen each other in years. It was a sight to behold, a four-way tangle of limbs and lips.

But the fun didn’t stop there. Eddie’s cousin, Leroy, wandered into the backyard, crackin’ open a cold one and rubbin’ his eyes in disbelief. He couldn’t believe his luck – four hotties all in one place, and they were more than willin’ to let him play.

Leroy joined in, and before long, the pool was a swirl of bodies, limbs, and laughter. It was a horny, sensualsmutty, family orgy that none of ’em would ever forget.

Now, this ain’t somethin’ for the kiddies – this is an adults-only video, so make sure you’re of age before you hit play. But if you’re lookin’ for a steamy, explicit, and downright filthy good time, then you’ve come to the right place. Sit back, relax, and like the show!

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